Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's Getting Closer

It's getting closer !!!

October 27th, 2007

We got the last pieces of siding put up around the door and the door framed in and mounted. Lucy (our 8 yo lab) is not real happy with us right now. She used be able to lay around on the patio and now she can't. She a bit confused. She won't hate us for much longer though. I plan on giving her a new doghouse and area to call her own. Plus a new concrete pad for her to lay on out of the sun and rain.

Anyway ... back to the Patio ....

We started about 9 Saturday morning and worked untl about 3:30. There were quite a few cuts to make above the door and on the door frame around the brickwork on the window. We've still got to fix the 3 small leaks on the roof but it is not forcast to rain anytime soon. I'm hoping to get those fixed this weekend.

We've got everything large moved off the pation and into the backyard and got some of the new furniture moved out there.

Bench relocated and patio swept up. Krista is thinking that a table and 4 chairs will be in this area somewhere.

I'm thinking about powerwashing this old bench. It was built by my gradfather many (25+)years ago out of redwood. It's still in pretty good shape and has some history with it.

The white furniture is all new. The brown piece will be primed and re-painted white.


When we got all the outside paneling we figured a little bit extra for waste. We actually had 1 full sheet left over. (About 19-20 bucks there) Then with the foam curvy pieces (4 at 7 bucks a piece = 28.00) I've got about 40-50 dollars to spend at Lowe's or Sutherlands. That will get all the inside paneling and some of the trim for the windows.


I might have time this weekend to get the electrical all hot. There will be 2 floodlights, for a total of 4 lights pointing into the backyard. These will be on a current switch inside the house by the back door. There will be a new switch outside on the backdoor door frame for the patio lights (probably a total of 4). The plugs, of course, will be hot all the time.


I HATE clean up, but it's got to happen. This week I'll be getting all of the scrap wood and such out of the backyard and thrown away or if large enough, saved in the scrap wood section.

There's the update for now. Check back next week ... More to come.

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