Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's Getting Closer

It's getting closer !!!

October 27th, 2007

We got the last pieces of siding put up around the door and the door framed in and mounted. Lucy (our 8 yo lab) is not real happy with us right now. She used be able to lay around on the patio and now she can't. She a bit confused. She won't hate us for much longer though. I plan on giving her a new doghouse and area to call her own. Plus a new concrete pad for her to lay on out of the sun and rain.

Anyway ... back to the Patio ....

We started about 9 Saturday morning and worked untl about 3:30. There were quite a few cuts to make above the door and on the door frame around the brickwork on the window. We've still got to fix the 3 small leaks on the roof but it is not forcast to rain anytime soon. I'm hoping to get those fixed this weekend.

We've got everything large moved off the pation and into the backyard and got some of the new furniture moved out there.

Bench relocated and patio swept up. Krista is thinking that a table and 4 chairs will be in this area somewhere.

I'm thinking about powerwashing this old bench. It was built by my gradfather many (25+)years ago out of redwood. It's still in pretty good shape and has some history with it.

The white furniture is all new. The brown piece will be primed and re-painted white.


When we got all the outside paneling we figured a little bit extra for waste. We actually had 1 full sheet left over. (About 19-20 bucks there) Then with the foam curvy pieces (4 at 7 bucks a piece = 28.00) I've got about 40-50 dollars to spend at Lowe's or Sutherlands. That will get all the inside paneling and some of the trim for the windows.


I might have time this weekend to get the electrical all hot. There will be 2 floodlights, for a total of 4 lights pointing into the backyard. These will be on a current switch inside the house by the back door. There will be a new switch outside on the backdoor door frame for the patio lights (probably a total of 4). The plugs, of course, will be hot all the time.


I HATE clean up, but it's got to happen. This week I'll be getting all of the scrap wood and such out of the backyard and thrown away or if large enough, saved in the scrap wood section.

There's the update for now. Check back next week ... More to come.

Monday, October 22, 2007

See first post :(

Last line in the previous post .... and I quote myself ...

"So now comes the fun part ....Hopefully I'll remember this is here and take some pics along the way... Until next time ...."

I love the part that says "Hopefully I'll remember this is here and take some pics along the way..."

I got to thinking about pics last night and relized that I don't think I took any pics of the framing or roof during construction or after completion. (Go figure). So, I'll guess I'll have to take some of it tomorrow. (It's raining today.)

Anyway ... Here's a text update of the project so far. But WAIT ... there's pictures now !!!!!!!!

Middle'ish September ...

Dave came over and helped me one Saturday and we were able to get all the 2x6's replaced in the roof. we were also able to get the outside walls built and the bottom framed in. If I remember correctly Dave came back on Sunday and we were able to finish all the bottom framing, install the 1x4's and curvey board we used to attach the roof panels to and install the first 2 or 3 rows of roofing panels. I was able to finish that up the next weekend or two.

The panels were alot of fun. It was really slow going, but I think in the end will all be worth it. EVERY seam was caulked on every panel.

The panels were screwed into the curvey board using a roofing screws that Dave had. ((We found some more of these at Lowe's)

See the curvey board
Very good screw.

I had actully run out of the screws on the last panel and had forgotten about it until last week :( Not a good idea. The last panel had screws about halfway accros. When the wind picked up this week ... Yep ... You guesed it. rip, snap, pop. At least it only damaged the one panel and I happened to have an extra one. So other than the extra cost, no harm.

October 20, 2007
Dave came back over. We went to Lowe's this time and picked up 14" Flashing, the paneling for the outside, Some of those good roofing screws,the screen material, some spray foam and some molded foam that fits the profile of the fiberglass roofing panels.

Spray foam under flashing. The old green board will be going away ... just a place holder.
(Might be taking these back ... May not use them, and 4 packs was almost 30 bucks)

We were able to complete the window framing and also able to get the screen up. We covered the outside completly with the paneling and then trimed the outline of the window openings with some of the paneling.

October 21, 2007
Krista and I went to Sutherland's this morning and picked up some painting supplies, wire staples, plugs and wall boxes. I decided to get a couple of outdoor plug covers and put 2 plugs on the outside of the wall. (One on each wall) I was able to put 5 plugs on the inside and 1 on the outside before the Cowboy game, then after they won, went back out and finished up the other plug on the outside. I decided that I'd better clean up a bit and make sure all the tools were put up because there is a chance of rain for Monday.
October 22, 2007

Glad I picked up all the tools last night. Started to rain sometime early this morning. Good news is the patio is not covered in water like before the flashing went up. There just 3 small leaks now. I went out at lunch today and got them marked so as soon as it clears/warms up a bit I'll get up there and fix those and the roof will be finished.

Still have a lot to do on both the outside and inside. I hoping to have the door framed in and mounted this coming Saturday.

The dreaded 'To-Do List'

  • Clean out everything on the inside of the patio. This has to be done next so Krista can continue painting on the inside.
  • Prime and paint everything. Inside and out.
  • Close in between the house and top on both sides. (Bedroom side and door/house side.
  • Purchase inside lights and install.
  • Purchase outside floodlights and install.
  • Purchase 1x6 to trim outside of roof. These and some 1x4's that I already have will match the current trim on the house.
  • Purchase, paint and install paneling for the inside.
  • Let Krista put the furniture out there and decorate it like she wants it.
  • Enjoy a lovely beverage on the patio.